• A Devilish Visitor

    Last night we had an unfortunate visit from the notorious Tasmanian Devil.

    Unfortunately it was severely disfigured by the facial tumor and probably not long for this world as. There were a lot of flies attracted to the smell.

    We reported the incident, but there is little hope, given the extent of the disease.

    Rather than provide the disgusting photographic proof we have a picture of the completed renovation to the main building entrance.

    For science and the extremely brave and curious I uploaded a picture to iNaturalist. See here to be thoroughly disgusted.

Where Eagles Dare

A sea eagle was seen in the gardens eating the remains of a possum that had failed its swimming lesson. Whilst trying to take a photo a wedge tailed eagle chased it off. However the wedgie didn’t get the meal, because its partner was distressed. The ravens were attacking and off they flew.

Just Like Home

Shem and Caelia

Frosty Time

Winter has come.

We are Now a Gated Community!

It will take some time to establish the appropriate plants, but there is now be a formal entrance to the forest for the brave at heart.

Spotted a Quoll

It wasn’t an Easter Bilby. It was a spotted quoll curiously tempted by the lack of bait in the rabbit trap. Bravely the chickens and guinea fowl teased and taunted from the other side of the wire. The quoll was released. Safely far from the viscious fowl and it skipped like a squirrel in the […]

A Date with the King

A refreshing change from guests taking items to stock their larder with all the tea bags, raspberries etc. they can carry!

The Scratchling

the platypus was spotted having a scratch at the dam on the property boundary.

Amazing Blueberries

Blueberries planted to make a mini-maze:

The Wolf Pack Cometh

The Currawongs gather for their wintry solace in numbers. At the Ponds the commotion may number thirty or more. Often seen in the fields but coming in when they deem necessary. The persimmon trees were abundant this year. I saw a dozen of the black birds and quickly rescued those that seemed on the verge […]

Let the Bletting Begin

What to do with medlars?

Raising a Tori

A Tori Gate has been erected at the entrance to the sacred badmington space.

Declaration of Rebellion

On this day, 13 November 2022, on the site of the Rebel Gold Mine in the Warrentinna Goldfields, we, the persons who are privileged to occupy these verdant lands, unanimously declare the intention of a State of Rebellion. The State of Rebellion is a free association anarchist collective of founding members in which a person […]


A quick visit to the Heirloom Tomato Festival at the Hobart Botanic Gardens procured: Yum! We can’t wait. Also bought some Telopea, Fagus and Westringia for the gardens.


Magnolia Soulangiana Carolina Allspice Persian Ironwood Witch Hazel Acer Senkaki- Coral Bark Maple Hybrid Tea Rose: Papa Meilland, Mabella, Jacaranda Floribunda Rose Iceberg Hops Mount Hood

A Beard from the Past

Today, a wild man appeared from the mists to announce that he had resided as member of the two beards and a bush who built the original mudbrick buildings. He reminisced on the joy of inhabiting the hut that now resides on the neighbouring property. The choice of freezing cold versus suffocating as the nuturing […]

The Buzz

Two hives of little pollinators installed

More Trees

Nuts almond – allinone Berries magnus black currant (2) kiwi fruit female & male Cider Apple Frequin Rouge De Boutteville Improved Foxwhelp cooking apple bramleys seedling eating apple court of wick coxs orange pippin Claville Blanc D’hiver Stonefruit Japanese plum santa rosa nectarine flavourtop peach anzac perry pear gin

Fruit Trees

ápricot: brillianz berry: boysenberry cherry: simone Cider apple: Yarlington Mill (5) Eating apple: huonville crab Grape: pinot noir (3) Hazelnut: Cosford, Lewis, Barcelona, American White (2) Pear: beurre hardy, Perry pear: yellow huffcap (2) Pepperberry


three trees planted