Declaration of Rebellion

On this day, 13 November 2022, on the site of the Rebel Gold Mine in the Warrentinna Goldfields, we, the persons who are privileged to occupy these verdant lands, unanimously declare the intention of a State of Rebellion.

The State of Rebellion is a free association anarchist collective of founding members in which a person can determine how to organize life for the benefit of all. Rebellion advocates equality between people, the autonomy of the individual, self-management and self-governance to provide fundamental human rights to health and sustenance based on scientific principles.

We support universal income, healthcare, education, justice, natural environment and public housing. Beyond that people should be free to pursue whatever they want with the concurrence of all affected parties.

For this purpose the micronation known identified by the Tasmanian Government as Title: 180768/1 Property Id: 9627098, is declared to be in a sovereign State of Rebellion in the locality of Warrentinna the ‘country being between other places’.

This anarchist collective will be ruled by the The Grand Poohbar of Rebellion assisted by the Most Exalted Plenipotentiary and Chamberlain MEPAC, the originating population of the State of Rebellion.

Within the bounds of scientific evidence collective citizens may propose or oppose whatever they choose, but the repetition of discredited opinions will be strongly opposed when not used for satirical purposes.

Rebellion is a nation of pacifists. We will oppose invasion by shouting very loudly and may employ weapons of mass destruction against invasive weeds to protect our unique environment.

The first action of Rebellion an award for services rendered in establishing the Treasury of Bitcoins, the official currency of Rebellion. Non-resident non-alien status is granted to the Chief Bellringer of Anarchic Indoctrination.



